January 31, 2013


At some point the weather cleared up. This was the view I had from my prone position on the bed

January 29, 2013


A shot in the butt of high end pain meds should do the trick.

January 27, 2013


Despite having thrown my back out, I still had a fantastic client today!!

January 16, 2013


Better today, lots of water and broth and napping. WELCOME to baby Claire! Not many details yet, but Nicki and Jason's healthy little 7lb 6oz girl was born today!
May your life be full of adventure and may your fiery determination be your victory!

January 13, 2013


Lovely day with the inlaws. I feel like it was such a long day! I exercised, booked parties, shopped with rosemary, ate amazing food (again) played cards and waved goodbye...and it was still only 6pm!!!


After breakfast with S&R, I skipped out in the middle of the day to go to the shop and henna a pregnant belly and her friend, have a walk-in book a party, henna another 5 REALLY FUN women (one of whom is a regular, she brought all her friends) and then sell a kit to another walk-in. Then I came home to help make a delicious dinner (with the most amazing GF apple crisp) and then play 3 hours of Taboo with Scott & Rosemary on one team and Dan and I on the other. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. I was wheezing and crying. It was grand fun!

January 12, 2013


I started the day off with a frozen car, bad traffic, and a little cat food feast for the crows, and ended it with a lovely dinner with the inlaws.

January 10, 2013


Lots of errands were run today, a gift was sent via post, and the hairs were hennaed. Productive day!

January 9, 2013

January 8, 2013


Young Mr. Charlie Legg came to Auntie Neets's house today for a few hours of fun.  We made popcorn (in the air popper...very loud, lots to look at and sounds and movement to imitate.)  We also spent about 45 minutes total with him sitting on the bathroom counter, flipping the light switch on and off (and exclaiming each time how it was dark, and then it was light again) and turning the faucet on and off.  Our utility bills are going to suffer for it, but it was 45 minutes of entertainment, dang it!

We sang songs, played with his "Charlie IPad" and he explored the living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom to his heart's content.  It was SUCH a treat!!!

January 6, 2013


At the farm and off shopping today. Didn't take any photos. Home again tonight, and in bed far too late.

January 5, 2013


we went to the gym today and my mother and I painted each others toes while the men went off to a movie.